10 Reminders About Persons of Peace
In the Spring of 2021, I shared with our weekly Ongoing Coaching group 10 reminders as they’re looking for people of peace. Our coaching group was preparing that week for a DMM push together and persons of peace were certainly on all of our minds.
Practical Examples of Going Out Among the Lost
Jim Britts, Senior Pastor of Parkside Church in San Diego, CA shared with our Ongoing Coaching group some examples of conversations he’s had with people in the harvest. He walked us through how he approaches people, what he talks to them about, and how he extends a Discovery Group invitation. This video is extremely practical and could really help you experience breakthrough in looking for Persons of Peace.
The Answer to Opposition
Brent Hofen, pastor at Mission Church in Portland, OR, shared with our coaching group about how he and his team dealt with opposition on their DMM journey.
Building a Culture of Prayer
Suzie Judd, one of the pastors at Good News Church in Augusta, GA, shared with our coaching group about building a culture of prayer.
Extraordinary Prayer in Movements
Stan Parks, movement trainer & coach for CPM leaders with Beyond, shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about the importance of multiplying extraordinary prayer in movements.
A 23 Year History of Prayer
Gary Galanos shared with our Ongoing Coaching meeting about the power of remaining devoted to prayer over many years.
Format of a DMM Church
In February of 2021, I shared with our weekly Ongoing Coaching meeting the format of the DMM church I’ve been a part of. There is certainly more than one way to format a DMM church meeting, so I just shared an example from our context.
Willing to Be Uncomfortable
Suzie Judd, one of the pastors at Good News Church, shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about the importance of being comfortable with being uncomfortable on our DMM journey.
9 Foundation Stones of DMM
Harry Brown, President of New Generations, shared with our Ongoing Coaching meeting in January of 2021 about the 9 Foundation Stones of DMM. This is an incredibly helpful overview of the essential elements in DMM.
DMM Strategic Planning Part 2
At one of our Ongoing Coaching meetings in January of 2021, I shared a resource that can help you & your team with strategic planning.
Storytelling in DMM
Jim Thurber is a professional storyteller and travels the world teaching believers how to tell the stories of the Bible as a way of engaging people with the gospel. In the last year, he has been trained in DMM principles and believes he now has the full picture of what storytelling can lead to, namely, multiplying disciples & churches.
DMM Strategic Planning
Brent Hofen, pastor of Mission Church in Portland, OR shared with our weekly Ongoing Coaching group at the beginning of 2021 his church’s strategic planning process.
A Former Russian Mafia Member and DMM
Jim Britts, pastor of Parkside Church in San Diego, CA, shared with our Ongoing Coaching group in the Fall of 2020 about an encounter with a former member of the Russian Mafia and their common connection to DMM.
WIGTake and Endvision
I shared with our weekly Ongoing Coaching group in November 2020 the importance of developing WIGTake and Endvision statements & continuing to refer back to them.
A Practical Way to Engage Lost People
Jim Britts, Pastor of Parkside Church in San Diego, CA and Brent Hofen, Pastor of Mission Church in Portland, OR encouraged our Ongoing Coaching group in the Fall of 2020 to persist in pursuing the lost. They shared about their experiences “going out among the lost” and how important it is if we want to be used by God to catalyze movements.
Turning Down 300 People and $500,000
Dustin Pearce served as one of the pastors at a large church in Midland, TX for the last 10 years. Recently, through prayer and fasting, the Lord led him to pursue DMM in his area with the end vision of seeing his whole region become disciples of Jesus. He is a regular part of our weekly Ongoing Coaching meeting and I asked him to share his story in the Fall of 2020.
High Value DMM Activities
In the Fall of 2020, I shared with our Ongoing Coaching group an article written by Steve Smith called “The S.O.I.L.S. of the CPM Continuum.” In this article he discusses the best ways to spend your time at the various stages of catalyzing a movement. I wanted to share this article with our coaching group & discuss practical applications for the contexts in which we’re working.
Generational Growth in the County Jail
Gary Galanos is Chris’s dad and he’s been a part of eLife since the very beginning. You’d usually find him at the door greeting people as they walked in or in his car praying for people during the service. The story of eLife has been greatly influenced by the prayers he’s prayed. He shared at our Ongoing Coaching group in the Fall of 2020 & I want to share the video with you here.
The Parkside Church Story
Jim Britts, Founding & Senior Pastor of Parkside Church in San Diego, CA shared with our coaching group in September 2020 about his church’s journey into DMM. His story is so powerful!
77,000+ New Churches
Dr. Kent Parks, President & CEO of Beyond, joined us for our weekly Ongoing Coaching meeting & shared about what God is doing across the world & the remarkable fruit they’ve in pursuing movements. He shares: