
“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)
Experience Life goes to great lengths to assure that your gift is accounted for and used with the utmost integrity. All of our financial information, including gifts given to Experience Life, is audited annually by a CPA firm that specializes in non-profit audits. We are currently using our financial resources to support our growing network of churches in 12 states & 5 countries and to train pastors and churches across the nation and around the world.
We also assist our overseas mission teams, bless local ministries, and support Church Planting Movements around the world that are reaching thousands, and even in some cases, millions of people for Christ in countries where many people have never even heard of Jesus.
Giving Policy • Mail checks to PO Box 53295, Lubbock, TX 79453 • Questions? Email us at