Insights & updates about Disciple Making Movements.
Adam Bregou shared with our Ongoing Coaching call the story about how he is making disciples in his community.
John Bradshaw shared with our Ongoing Coaching call his takeaways from the DMM Catalyst Camp in Nairobi, Kenya.
Chris, Lisa & Faye from the UK shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about a recent Push Week they hosted & lessons they learned.
Joleene Burts returned to our Ongoing Coaching group for a second time to share an update on her DMM journey in Southern California.
Brent, Russ, Ana, Wayne, and Joe shared with our Ongoing Coaching call about a recent push week in Portland.
Jim, Mary, Aaron, & Noah shared about their recent push weekend in the Richmond, VA area.
Dr. Sloan Rush shares how he got started in DMM, struggled for years, and then began to see fruit.
Grace, Johnnie, Bettie, and Matthew share takeaways from their recent trip to the North American DMM Catalyst Camp.
Erika Parks shared with our Ongoing Coaching call how she’s seen the book, 21 Days to Becoming a Disciple Maker, bear much fruit in her own training.
Ana Chesterton and others shared with our Ongoing Coaching Call about their recent push event in the Seattle area.
Jim Britts started a 4-week series where he leads us through an Introduction to Disciple-Making Training that he compiled from several resources.
Jim Britts continued the Intro to Disciple-Making series and shared more about how to use the Prayer Calendar.
Jim Britts shared with our Ongoing Coaching call Part 3 of the Intro to Disciple-Making Training.
Jim Britts shared with our Ongoing Coaching call Part 4 of the Intro to Disciple-Making Training.
Jim Britts shared with our Ongoing Coaching call about a new book he just released called, The Only Number That Matters.
John Bradshaw, one of our DMM Coaches, shared with our Ongoing Coaching Call today about the Healthy Church Diagram.
Guy & Kelli Caskey shared with Tyler’s Ongoing Coaching call about their movement journey.
John Bradshaw shared with our Ongoing Coaching meeting today about the way his coaching group uses Gen Maps.
Britton & Michelle Smith shared with Tyler’s Ongoing Coaching call about how they pursued movements together.