Board of Directors

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Chris Galanos

Chris is the Founding Pastor of Experience Life Church in Lubbock, TX, which is now a network of many churches meeting across the nation. He graduated from Southwestern Seminary in 2006 and then started Experience Life in his living room in the Spring of 2007. In the first 10 years of Experience Life’s history, God allowed the church to help over 13,000 people commit their lives to Christ & baptize over 7,000 people.

Toward the end of the first 10 years, the Lord began to give Chris & the eLife Leadership Team the vision of seeing 1,000,000 disciples made in the next 10 years. They knew that their strategy for making disciples would have to change. The story of Experience Life’s transition from a “megachurch” model to a “multiplication” model is detailed in his book, From Megachurch to Multiplication.

In the last 6 years, the eLife family has helped start 1,100+ new churches in many states & countries, launched thousands of Discovery Groups, and trained over 10,000 disciple-makers & church planters around the world. He spends a majority of his time training and coaching pastors across the nation that feel the Lord leading them in a similar direction as Experience Life along with helping give oversight to the churches in the Experience Life network.

Since the release of his book, Chris has received many requests from pastors, missionaries, and Christian leaders for help with “tentmaking” to supplement their incomes like he describes in the book. As a result, he created to offer resources to help ministry leaders supplement or fully replace their incomes.

He has been married to his wife, Emilie, for 20 years and he has 2 children, McKinley who is 18 and Charis who is 15.


Tyler Dipprey

Tyler has been a Pastor at Experience Life since 2013. He holds a Masters in Global Leadership from Fuller Graduate School. Tyler spends his time coaching disciple-makers to implement DMM principles in their life and ministry. He also trains anyone interested in making disciples the basics of how to start making disciples of their family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and beyond. Finally, he attempts to mobilize disciples both in the United States and around the world.

Tyler and his wife Erin and their two kids live in Lubbock, TX. Tyler and Erin have been married since 2008. As a family, they are seeking to see all of Lubbock become committed disciples of Jesus who make disciples. Tyler is the owner of TD Coaching, which provides training and coaching for businesses.

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Dr. Sam Douglass

Dr. Sam Douglass has poured his life into building the Kingdom of God through planting churches throughout the U.S. His doctoral work was entitled “Merging Diverse Ethnic Congregations to Do Multi-Cultural Missions Projects”. As a seasoned veteran church planter, Sam Douglass has planted many churches in various socio-economic strata and ethnicities. As the founding pastor of Yorktown Baptist Church in Corpus Christi, Texas, he ministered there for 13 years. Dr. Douglass is also the founder of Just Coach Me, a ministry designed to coach and mentor church planters and pastors. He currently serves with Dynamic Church Planting International as the Director of Unreached Unengaged People Groups and New Countries.

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John Bradshaw

John has been the Executive Pastor of Experience Life since 2011. He has been married to Cindy since December 1986. He and Cindy have 4 grown children and 11 grandchildren.

He spends much of his time focused on SE Asia & the Buddhist world. As part of his focus on the Buddhist world he is also on staff with Beyond and is Mekong region strategic leadership director. He currently coaches people in the field in Thailand & Cambodia. He also spends time seeking to serve Buddhist world movements, most recently in the areas of prayer, gap research and the development of multiplication tools.

John was part of the team that transitioned eLife from a megachurch model to a strategy that seeks to multiply disciples around the world. He spends time in the eLife network coaching disciple makers in the US, Australia and Canada as well as helping with many administrative needs.

John is also a retired CPA. After seven years in the business world, John graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master’s in Theology (Th.M.) and then planted a church in Corpus Christi, Texas before coming to eLife.


Dr. Stan Parks

Dr. Stan Parks is a sinner saved by grace and a disciple of Jesus seeking to reach lost people locally and globally. He was born and spent his early childhood in Indonesia where his parents were missionaries, before returning to the U.S. After church planting in the USA, he and his wife Kay have been serving Unreached People Groups since 1994 while based in Indonesia, Singapore, and Dubai. They have 3 grown children and a son-in-law.

Stan is a Church Planting Movements trainer and a coach for leaders of CPMs around the world. He is Co-Facilitator of the 24:14 Coalition which is focused on seeing Kingdom Movements in every Unreached People and place. He has served since 2006 as part of the Steering Committee for Ethne, a global network focused on the Unreached. He is also the VP for Global Strategy for Beyond and Director of the Ph.D program for Bethany International University in Singapore. He has a BA in History, M.Div, and Ph.D in Missiology. Editor and Contributor, 24:14 – A Testimony to All Peoples, 2019 as well as author of multiple articles in Mission Frontiers and other Christian magazines. Author and Collaborator, CPM Training Curricula, 5 Series: 10 CPM Lessons (2008), Simple Steps (2010), First Steps (2010), Next Steps (2011), Strategic Steps (2012). Various portions of these have been translated into 12 languages.

*Note: Stan is not pictured due to his partnership with people in many sensitive locations.