Generational Growth in the County Jail

Gary Galanos is Chris’s dad and he’s been a part of eLife since the very beginning. You’d usually find him at the door greeting people as they walked in or in his car praying for people during the service. The story of eLife has been greatly influenced by the prayers he’s prayed. He shared at our Ongoing Coaching group in the Fall of 2020 & I want to share the video with you here. He shared:

  • His journey in beginning to multiply disciples

  • How eLife’s jail ministry began to start reproducing Discovery Groups

  • The steps that led to 4th+ generation growth in the jail

  • Why losing access to gather corporately in the jail actually propelled the DMM work

  • How he shared the gospel with hundreds of people

  • The process of finding Persons of Peace in the jail

  • What he did with inmates to help them become multiplying disciples

  • How our 1st DMM church was planted in the jail

  • Why being a “spiritual leader in their family” is a felt need with many lost people

  • The HOSS acronym for gaining access in the jail

  • A powerful end vision statement of reaching the entire jail from one of the inmates

  • How the county jail can help you to reach a city

Gary Galanos is Chris's dad and he's been a part of eLife since the very beginning. You'd usually find him at the door greeting people as they walked in or i...


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