Turning Down 300 People and $500,000

Dustin Pearce served as one of the pastors at a large church in Midland, TX for the last 10 years. Recently, through prayer and fasting, the Lord led him to pursue DMM in his area with the end vision of seeing his whole region become disciples of Jesus. He is a regular part of our weekly Ongoing Coaching meeting and I asked him to share his story in the Fall of 2020. He shared:

  • Why he felt restless in 2018 and what he thought God might be saying

  • How he felt led to leave his church to start new churches across his region

  • How the eLife story challenged him

  • Why he decided to turn down 300 people and $500,000 to start his new church

  • How he decided to go all-in with DMM and not pursue a hybrid model

  • The concerns he had when he found out that he might not get paid much longer


A Practical Way to Engage Lost People


High Value DMM Activities