A Practical Way to Engage Lost People

Jim Britts, Pastor of Parkside Church in San Diego, CA and Brent Hofen, Pastor of Mission Church in Portland, OR encouraged our Ongoing Coaching group in the Fall of 2020 to persist in pursuing the lost. They shared about their experiences “going out among the lost” and how important it is if we want to be used by God to catalyze movements. They shared:

  • Why Jim’s last 7 weeks have been his best weeks in disciple-making

  • The importance of choosing a PIPSY area to go out among the lost in addition to sharing with those God brings across your path

  • How the miracle question is a great way to initiate praying for people

  • The simple process Jim uses to approach someone, share a story, pray for them, and invite them to start a Discovery Group

  • 3 options Jim gives people in their first follow-up meeting that allows potential Persons of Peace to reveal themselves

  • How Brent has realized that the enemy is creating a spirit of fear in believers about engaging lost people

  • Why spiritual conversations are so important if you want to see movement


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