Prayer Calendars
Jim Britts, pastor of Parkside Church in San Diego, CA, shared with our coaching group about using prayer calendars.
Praying for Movements
Suzie Judd, Jim Britts, Gary Galanos & Brent Hofen led our Ongoing Coaching group in praying for movements.
Making Fasting a Priority
Brent Hofen, pastor of Mission Church in Portland, OR, shared with our coaching group about the importance of fasting.
Prayer Bridges the Gap
Suzie Judd, one of the pastors of Good News Church in Augusta, GA shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about multiplying extraordinary prayer.
Counting the Cost
Neal Karsten, North American director of Big Life, shared with our coaching group the importance of challenging others to count the cost of following Jesus.
A Russian DMM Catalyst
Ion Cheptene, a Russian DMM Catalyst working with Jim Britts in San Diego, shared with our Ongoing Coaching group the ways to coach leaders at various stages.
A Coach’s Perspective
Tyler Dipprey, an eLife DMM Coach, came to our Ongoing Coaching meeting today to share more about why coaching is so important.
DMM Cycle Chart
I shared with our Ongoing Coaching meeting the DMM Cycle Chart from Lesson 8 of our DMM Training. I used this to remind the group of the overall DMM process and also the ways to coach at various stages of the process.
Flaming Out Without Coaching
Dr. Stan Parks, Movement Catalyst with Beyond & 2414, joined our coaching call & talked about the importance of being part of a coaching group.
Coaching Through Discovery
Brent Hoften, pastor of Mission Church in Oregon, shared with our coaching group today about the power of using self-discovery in coaching.
Discovery Group DNA
In our weekly Ongoing Coaching meeting I shared with the group the DNA behind the 7 Question DBS Process we use & also how to coach group leaders step by step.
Q&A About Seeing Groups Start
Our coaches spent time in our Ongoing Coaching meeting answering questions about Seeing Groups Start.
Helpful Insights for Seeing Groups Start
Chris, Suzie, Jim & Brent shared with our Ongoing Coaching group helpful insight in seeing groups start and stories from their group starting efforts.
A Culture Problem
Roy Moran, pastor of Shoal Creek Community Church & author of Spent Matches, shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about effective vision casting for DMM.
Ideas for Casting Vision
In our Ongoing Coaching meeting, we “opened the mic” for people to share helpful ideas about casting vision for DMM. It was a great discussion and I think you’ll find some helpful takeaways.
Casting Vision: 6 Lessons Learned
Jim Britts, pastor of Parkside Church in San Diego, CA shared with our coaching group 6 Lessons he’s learned in Casting Vision to believers to be a part of DMM.
Trained to Be Disobedient
David Watson, Movement Catalyst and Co-Author of Contagious Disciple-Making, shared at our Ongoing Coaching meeting about the importance of training people to obey Jesus as the Great Commission says.
Put Aside Extra-Biblical Traditions
Brent Hofen, pastor of Mission Church in Portland, OR led our weekly Ongoing Coaching group in a Discovery Bible Study over Mark 7:1-23. He talked about the importance of evaluating our traditions and putting aside anything the Lord leads.
The Power of Discovery
Suzie Judd, a Pastor at Good News Church in Augusta, GA shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about the impact that “discovery” has made in her context.
Rhythms of Focusing on God’s Word
Jim, Brent, Gary, and I shared at our weekly Ongoing Coaching meeting about our rhythms of focusing on God’s Word. We talked about both personal rhythms and corporate rhythms.