Tentmaking Pastors.com


I’m super excited to tell you about the launch of TentmakingPastors.com  today, a project that I’ve been working on for a few months. 

Do you have a few minutes for the back story? I’d really appreciate your time! 

Our team at eLife has had the privilege of training over 700 pastors & church leaders over the last few years. During many of those trainings, people have asked me specifically about what I’ve done to supplement my church income & eventually come off the church payroll entirely. I’m always glad to share with them, and almost invariably after I’m done sharing, they’ll ask, “Would you teach me how to do that?”  

While I’d love to personally help each one of them, I’ve known that my calendar just wouldn’t have room for it. 

I’ll often refer them to other courses online that can help them. But I’ve felt like, while those courses are helpful, they don’t cater specifically to the needs of a pastor (and they’re usually quite expensive ). I tell them that one day I will find some time to create a few courses geared toward helping pastors find financial freedom . 

Well, that time has come!   

I’ve created TentmakingPastors.com as a resource for pastors, missionaries and really anyone else who would like to supplement their income or replace it entirely  , much like the Apostle Paul did with tentmaking. 

Initially, there will be 3 types of courses depending on how much extra income a pastor would like to make.

  • Travel Hacking Course  – This course is designed for the pastor who just wants some extra vacation money. We all know how important getting away with our family is, but many of us struggle to find room in the budget for it. These videos will show a pastor how to go on 1, 2, or even 3+ vacations with their family each year for nearly free. This course has been completed and launches today on the website!

  • House Hacking Course  – This course is designed for the pastor who wants an extra part-time income each year but can’t really work part-time hours to earn it. These videos show you how to [1] use your home to generate extra income each year and [2] reduce your monthly housing expenses to nearly $0 while living in a nice place. This course is currently in production.

  • Flip Hacking Course  – This course is designed for the pastor who wants to replace his/her church income & eventually come off the payroll entirely. This will show you how to make a full-time income in just a few hours per week, so you can continue to be devoted to ministry full-time. This course is next in line for production. 

**  Don’t let the word “hacking” throw you off . We’re not talking about something negative like computer hacking  – ha ! Rather, we’re using the word “hack” to refer to an optimization that can make you money without a lot of time investment. These names were chosen because there are whole communities online built around these various optimizations that already go by these names. I wanted to keep it consistent.

I would love your help with the launch today if you have a few minutes to spare! 

  1. Would you check out TentmakingPastors.com and look around? You can read some cool testimonials at the bottom from pastors/missionaries I’ve already helped with these various income strategies. 

  2. Then, would you watch the 1st Lesson of the Travel Hacking Course so you can hear me talk about this vision on video? The 1st Lesson is free and you can watch it here: https://www.tentmakingpastors.com/opt-in – After all, who doesn’t want to learn more about how to go on more vacations for free?  One of my pastor friends said his mind was  hearing about all of this because he didn’t even know this was possible! And now he’s preparing to go on free vacations with his family! 

  3. Would you share this website with the pastors you know & anyone else who might benefit from it? While it’s catered to pastors , it can help anyone who has a goal to supplement or replace their income.  

Because I don’t want the cost of any of these courses to be a hindrance for anyone who wants to take them, I’ve provided a way for people to take them completely free . 

I really appreciate your  as this goes LIVE today. I’d like to ask that you’d just pray that this resource falls into the hands of pastors/missionaries/church leaders or anyone else that it can really be a blessing to! 


House Hacking Course


God is sending us to DFW!