House Hacking Course


I’m excited to announce launch of our new House Hacking course today! This is the 2nd course that we’ve released at You can check out the previous blog post here for an overview of the other courses we’ve released & the ones we’re planning for the future.

Our passion at is to help pastors (and others) supplement or replace their income with “tentmaking” like the Apostle Paul.

The House Hacking course shows a pastor, missionary, Christian worker, or pretty much anyone else how to use their home to:

  1. Make an extra part-time income without having to work part-time hours to earn it (yay!)

  2. Reduce monthly housing costs to near $0 (wow!)

Pastors and church leaders often ask us how we’ve done “tentmaking” to supplement & eventually replace our church income, and that’s why these courses have been created. We’re passionate about helping pastors & Christian leaders have multiple streams of income in order to free themselves up to follow the Lord wherever he leads!

Check out Lesson 1 for free here to see if this is something that could be a blessing to you and your family:

And if you decide you want to take the full course, there’s a simple way to be able to take it completely free.

Enjoy your tentmaking journey!


Flip Hacking Course

