Outreach and Prayer
Jim Thurber, one of our DMM Coaches, shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about how DMM has impacted his life in the areas of outreach and prayer.
Testimonies of God’s Power
Brent, Suzie & the Ongoing Coaching group shared testimonies of how God is answering prayer & doing miracles as they minister to those around them.
Doing the Works of Jesus
Suzie Judd shared with our Ongoing Coaching group today about doing the works of Jesus.
Examples of Power Encounters
Suzie, Grayson & Jim led our Ongoing Coaching meeting by sharing examples of power encounters among the lost.
Power & Truth Encounters
Suzie Judd share in our Ongoing Coaching meeting about the importance of pursuing power encounters.
Finding Access on Mission
Suzie Judd and other leaders on our Ongoing Coaching call shared about the importance of access ministry in finding people of peace.
Go Where He Sends You
Suzie Judd led our Ongoing Coaching group in talking about going where God sends us.
Missionary to Your City
Suzie Judd shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about being on mission in your city.
Highlights from San Diego
Our Ongoing Coaching call shared highlights from our network meet-up in San Diego.
Simplicity in Training
Brent Hofen & Russ Richmond shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about the importance of simplicity in training.
Lessons on Casting Vision
Joe Camarlinghi shared with our coaching group some lessons he’s learned from casting vision & training believers over the last few years.
The Impact of DMM on Families
Brent Hofen interviewed two wives/mothers today in our Ongoing Coaching meeting about their journey into DMM.
The Impact of Training
Brent Hofen interviewed multiple guests during our Ongoing Coaching call who shared exciting stories of how God is working around them.
Stories of Looking for Persons of Peace
Jim Britts led our Ongoing Coaching group today in sharing testimonies about their time searching for people of peace over the last month.
Consistently Going Out Among the Lost
Jim Thurber and Daniel Towner shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about the importance of consistency in going out among the lost.
Always Be On Mission
Jim Britts shared with our Ongoing Coaching call about the habit of “always being on mission.”
Preparing to Find Persons of Peace
Jim, Brent & Suzie shared in our Ongoing Coaching group about ways to prepare to find people of peace.
Finding Your First Person of Peace
Jim Britts shared with our Ongoing Coaching call lessons he’s learned in finding people of peace.
Ongoing Coaching
Chris Galanos shared with our Ongoing Coaching today about the importance of Ongoing Coaching in the DMM process.
Go Out Among the Lost & See Groups Start
Brent Hofen shared with our coaching group about the importance of these two high value activities.