A DMM Pioneer in the American Church

Roy Moran is the pastor of Shoal Creek Community Church in Kansas City, MO. He’s also the author of a book on DMM called Spent Matches — a must read!

Roy is the first pastor I know of to attempt an implementation of DMM in the American church. And he was one of the early inspirations in our own journey toward DMM.

He came to one of our weekly Ongoing Coaching meetings in the Summer of 2020 to share more about lessons he’s learned on his DMM journey. He shares:

  • How he and his church got involved in DMM

  • The importance of a “connected context” & “multiplication DNA”

  • How most Americans understand church & why that can be problematic

  • Why American church methods don’t usually encourage multiplication

  • Why COVID disrupting weekend worship services might be a good thing

  • When they realized their attractional strategy wasn’t going to accomplish their mission

  • What he would do if he started all over again

Roy Moran is the pastor of Shoal Creek Community Church in Kansas City, MO. He's also the author of a book on DMM called Spent Matches - a must read!Roy is t...


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