Chris Galanos Chris Galanos

DMM in a Neighborhood Part 2

Joleene Burts returned to our Ongoing Coaching group for a second time to share an update on her DMM journey in Southern California.

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Chris Galanos Chris Galanos

A Push Week in England

Chris, Lisa & Faye from the UK shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about a recent Push Week they hosted & lessons they learned.

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Chris Galanos Chris Galanos

Adam’s Story

Adam Bregou shared with our Ongoing Coaching call the story about how he is making disciples in his community.

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Chris Galanos Chris Galanos

Partnering with Others

Jim Britts shared with our Ongoing Coaching call ways to partner with other disciple-makers in your area.

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Chris Galanos Chris Galanos

How to Find Team Members

Jim B., Cindy, Rebecca, and Jim H. shared with our Ongoing Coaching call many ways that you can find team members to do DMM with.

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Chris Galanos Chris Galanos

After Push Weeks

Stan Parks shared more about what movements do  during & after Push Weeks.

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Chris Galanos Chris Galanos

Stories of Push Weeks

Russ Richmond, Monica Gibson, and Wayne Shinseki share about their experiences with Push Weeks.

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Chris Galanos Chris Galanos

Family Dynamics & Push Weeks

Brent Hofen, Ana Chesterfield & Hanna Kooyman shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about their experiences going out on push weeks.

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Chris Galanos Chris Galanos

A Push Week Challenge

Brent Hofen shared with our Ongoing Coaching group a history of his push week journey and why it’s so important to be a part of one.

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Chris Galanos Chris Galanos

Engaging Lost Sheep

Suzie Judd shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about how the metaphor of lost sheep helps us understand lostness better.

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Chris Galanos Chris Galanos

Bob Niemond, one of our DMM Coaches, shared today some of the resources on his website at

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Chris Galanos Chris Galanos

Compassion for the Lost

Suzie Judd shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about the importance of understanding the heart behind “going out among the lost.”

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Chris Galanos Chris Galanos

Important Habits of a Disciple-Maker

Brent Hofen shared with our Ongoing Coaching group about the importance of having spiritual habits and saying “no” to certain things in order to say “yes” to what God is calling us to do.

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