From Megachurch to Multiplication.
Our Journey Toward Movement
We help people experience life by making disciples who multiply movements to reach entire nations!
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
matthew 28:19-20
Experience Life’s original prayer was for 10,000 people to commit their lives to Jesus in 10 years. After the Lord answered that prayer in year 8, we believed He was leading us to pray for 1,000,000 people to become disciples of Jesus in the next 10 years.
To accomplish that vision, we knew we needed to transition from a “megachurch” model (aka an addition model) to a “multiplication” model. Millions of people are coming to Christ around the world through the multiplication of thousands of smaller churches that meet in homes, much like in the Book of Acts.
Experience Life is now a network of churches meeting across West Texas, in 36 states across the US, and in 64 countries. We are actively involved in catalyzing Disciple-Making Movements both in the US and overseas. Many people have heard about our church’s journey and are reaching out to join us in this grand vision!
" The seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!"
matthew 13:23

The WIGTake question is: “What’s It Going to Take to Reach Everyone in a People Group?” Not what can I do or what can you do. Not what have others done before us. Not what’s possible. No. What’s it going to take? That’s the question we must ask! We have to be willing to do whatever it’s going to take! After all, that’s our commission.
Because of your financial support, thousands of lives have been changed by Jesus.
And lives continue to be changed as we seek to partner with God in building disciple making movements (DMMs) both in the US and overseas. Thank you!